
In a 1000 years time do you think english we be only language spoken in the world?

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i don't want the english language to die out it's the only language i know and the only language i would respond to but do you think the english language will be the only language spoken in the world in a 1000 years time because english is a universal language a world wide language i don't think the english language will ever die out because it's a useful language especially as a second language world wide it's taught in schools around the world




  1. If there is only one language at that time, it will probably be something that is not in existence now.  It will be developed over time, probably including gestures, facial expressions, and clicks.

  2. no

  3. I doubt it, english is not taught in all countries and even it if was so, people whose first language is not english are not going to drop their first language.

  4. Nah, there will still be other languages.

  5. i hope not. i really dont like english personally.

  6. Better pick up a second language because, in case you haven't noticed, on ATM's now you press 2 for English and 1 for Spanish.

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