
In a '96 Mustang... what does the...

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Little light on the dashboard with all the "service" lights that tell you things about your cars status like what you need to fix mean that looks like a battery with an X in it? Or a trash can? It's like, the last or one of the last on the right. My boyfriend has this car and we can't find anything about what it means. It randomly goes on and off and we're not sure what it's for! Help!




  1. battery low or alternator bad

  2. Commonly referred to as "idiot lights", these will illuminate when a concern arises with the particular system. In your case the battery light is illuminating telling you that there is a problem with the charging system. If it is on steady the most common problem is a faulty alternator.If the lamp is only "flickering" at idle then the alternator is working but not to capacity. You can purchase a multi-meter at your local parts supplier or hardware store to check what the voltage output is. You should have at least 14v at idle after just starting the vehicle. I hesitate to say you have a wiring concern or a battery fault because it sounds as though other than the lamp everything is operating normally. A common misconception nowadays is that vehicles are completely controlled by that "d**n evil computer". It's all still nuts and bolts underneath and in your vehicles case has a very simple charging system. Remember, if you hear hoofbeats think horses not zebras(Don't assume things are harder than what they are). The alternator is removed easily from your mustang and any good parts store associate can accurately test it for you. Oden

  3. The battery light illuminates when the alternator becomes faulty.

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