I was in a car accident and lost my dad, brother, and sister. Mom wasn't in the car but we were gong to Florida and coming back we hit a log truck. It happened coming back in South Carolina. I heard my aunt saying that we was coming around a curve and didn't see the truck till late. But the scene didn't look that way. So idk. Now were going back to florida this is the second time since the accident (but last time we took a plane.) I really want to go but i' am so scared about driving. How can i control my self or reassure myself or something. If i could bring my dog (yorkie) or something that might help me along the way but my mom has a stupid timeshare and the place "says" no pets. Everyone i know or let me say my fathers side always bring there small puppies with them and its not like your going to get kicked out, but anyway. My life sucks and i need help.