
In a United Nations vote, does the country being punished have to abstain from voting? What about veto-powers?

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i.e. If the UN votes to invade China to free Tibet, does China get to vote? And can China veto the UN's decision to invade China? Thanks




  1. The UN = corruption. I'd like to see these do-gooder hippies "invade China" to "free Tibet"... don't make me laugh.

  2. Only the UN Security Council can pass binding resolutions, and any permanent member -- the USA, China, Russia, the UK or France -- can veto any resolution, even if the resolution is focused on their own country.

    The UN General Assembly and other UN committees are just discussion forums -- none of their votes/resolutions are binding.

  3. Everybody can vote, even the one who is about to be punished. That's one of the problems of the UN, because as you said, whenever it is about a Veto-power nothing is being done about it

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