
In a Universe where we are afforded the luxury of free will...?

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what's the point of following astrology at all?




  1. Hey r_a73. wassup?

    As we know, Astrology is not supposed to affect a person's choices or free will, it's only a tool to help us understand the qualities and personality traits of humans, as well as how these traits mix together when certain people interact with each other. I see it as a tool to using the planets with how they aspect each other and which sign constellations the planets each highlight, in order to better understand people's motivations, qualities, and even events that may have influenced them to be a certain way. I guess it comes down to the individual's choice of whether to utilize astrology for their understanding, or to ignore it. It can't hurt to be open minded and take astrology into account can it?

    ** will be back later for more**

  2. well i think in this crazy world of free will people are confused as to why things happen. People need an easy answer as to why things happen?

    i found a quote related to that-

    "If you yearn for easy answers and quick solutions, you'll fall prey to people who offer you nothing but promises"

    -this can relate to the trap in astrology and the like.

    I personally dont fully believe in astroglogy 100% per cent, i believe in the power of the mind. I do think astrology is an interesting concept and i hope its true.

    People who believe in astrology believe in the power of the universe and tend to be more open minded, this is also why i like the idea of it.

    There is something intellectual about astrology - It is believing that there are greater reasons as to why things happen. We are free to believe what we want but with so much freedom what we really need is quick answers and excuses so that we can get on with our lives  comfortably without confusion.

    People need a reason as to why things happen that will work for them, astrology can work for many, as well as karma or religion, because not knowing the exact reason behind the universe or life can scare us or deter us from getting on with our lives.

    easy answers and quick solutions

  3. I agree with true prince, I think it is more of a tool to help us look deeper and maybe with a little subjectivity,.....I don't think we are completely bound to astrology!

  4. The operative word is "following".

    I don't follow anything, but the beat of my dream (drum). Yes, we have free will and yes, there are circumstances and restrictions that limit free will.

    And yes, Astrology can be a wonderful tool for understanding ourselves.

    I freely answered your question with my own will.

  5. I often wonder that myself. While astrology can help reveal things about yourself and others, ultimately, I find the best thing is to get to know a person for who they are. I don't like it to rule my life anyway. I wouldn't want someone to assume they knew me based on my chart...I like to take life a step at a time and live it as I choose. I want to behave in the way that I think will get me the furthest, and learn and grow as a person as I would whether I knew my weaknesses or not. I don't want to pick my friends or loved ones based on compatibility...I want to take each challenge in life as a lesson.

    So while I do love astrology, and find it to be very interesting, and often very accurate; I find that the most important thing is to be who you want to be, and to live your life. I would still be the same person I am today whether I knew about my chart or not. I just have a way to rationalize things now, haha.

  6. We have every advantage, but we all miss our calling at times.

  7. When you come to existence in this Earth plane, you have a purpose.  When you do something, it a way, you were meant to do it.  I think there is no free will, we all came here to do things that make us learn lessons.

  8. The idea that we are programed at birth never sits well with me. It's weird that people would want that instead of having free will. It's like knowing just the ends of movies and passing over the stories. Even if it was true, I still would not want to know. Astrology will never get credit or blame for the events of my life.

  9. ooooh, good one Restless, but I'm too tired to think tonight.  I'll try to get back to this one tomorrow.

    Edit:  I came back to this question to answer, and I see I have 8 thumbs down.  I'm sorry restless, it has kind of taken the wind out of my free-will, thinking sail.  =(

    Thanks r_a73:  The point of following astrology is that it can be a guiding light in our journey.  We do have free will, but there are limits to that freedom.    As in a democratic society, we have freedom but within limits.  As long as we conduct ourselves within the limits of the law, we are free to move around as we please.  We can cross that legal line, but there are always consequences.  Astrology allows us to understand ourselves and others better.  We can choose to work within the limits of that understanding or not - it is free will.  There are always consequences.

  10. yep true.....and a good question.

    Some people transcend their charts but rare are those who can do it.

    Some stay at the basic level of their charts, others try to improve and learn from all sources and correct their behaviour......etc.

    Going into a "higher vibe" if you want to use a New Age word.

    But some do not want to. Does not matter the age or whatever.

    I do believe that some can totally transcend their charts.

    This would explain some phenomena kind of unknown and unexplained in the west. Monks putting themselves on fire and not feeling a thing.

    People being able to develop some 6th sense etc..

    People able to live without food nor water for 90 days ( recorded in Taiwan).

    Those people and more are special........and yes I think you can transcend your chart but not everybody.

    I do think Free Will is available........but people put themselves in chains mentally. Not for me to judge ..we afterall live in materialistic  societies. It is all very good to lecture people but  gee.......people have to gain a living, take care of families etc....not live like monks and meditate all day long in some sort of cave.

    There is a lot of good info overthere.........if one wants to research it. About how to change negative aspects into positive etc.....and when you see the change : you remember..hopefully lol ! we are all humans.

    But I do believe that a chart can be transcended of course !

  11. if we're secure of our acts and our personality, if we can understand our environment just as it is, if we trust in ourselves there's no point at all

  12. hi r_a.

    my answer would be: to add more luxury of the free will.

    i think, that no matter how we tend to believe that we are free, we are actually bounded by certain certainties. we are not that free, as we like to think and feel. we are connected to each other, if not on the physical plane, well, even fantasy and imagination connects us. understanding this universal fact,  i like to use astrology (the basic signs), or like any other piece of useful knowledge that i have acquired, only as means of 'short cut' but not 'getting there first, before anyone else does'. the latter needs a higher level of conviction in its astro analysis and understanding, ill leave that to the professionals.

    i hold on to that life is short and i would like to spend it with all the good and great thoughts and opportunities that life could possibly offer. but i realized that i am not able to experience all the experiences that i wish to experience, so besides just by reading and observing, i apply what i know (astro infos linked with other sources of knowledge, information) to the person/ situation im at/in, to save more time and to a better yield.

    its something like me, who came here originally for understanding the psyche of a scorpio man (oh, that treacherous cancer-scorp relationship, tell me bout it), but when i got in deeper, i am somehow more free-er (liberated) and released from my past/ previous attachment of presumption/ knowledge to newer and wider horizon of presumptions/ knowledge of him/them. thus, i am happier now than i was before, though i am not yet entirely free. who knows, never. lol.

    in todays world, having any type of knowledge (in this case, following astro) is always having the upperhand. it is just HOW you use it to WHAT cause.


  13. Because it is so much fun

  14. Free Will doesn't mean doing whatever we want whenever we want.  We are often bound by circumstances.  Astrology can tell us what those circumstances might be.  I think of astrology as extra information.  While our responses might not be based solely on astrology, it is just smart to take everything we possibly can into consideration.  I think of it as making informed decisions.  For instance.... a few months ago, Uranus was opposing my Pluto.  Any way you slice it this transit means "forced change".  And I did have changed forced on me.  But knowing it was a possibility, I managed to direct that change to the best outcome for me.  

    Also I'm not sure free will is really such a luxury.  We must understand that our actions do have consequences.   Saturn will make us pay one way or another.  We aren't as free as we think we are.

    Now I can't get this song out of my head...

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