
In a car, if people have to wear a seat belt, then in a motorcycle why don't people have to wear a helmet???

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In a car, if people have to wear a seat belt, then in a motorcycle why don't people have to wear a helmet???




  1. in most states you do.

  2. first just know I agree with you, second, there's no reason not to wear a seatbelt and theres little reason why not to wear a helmet.

    I think the whole seatbelt law is retarded, not wearing one doesn't hurt anyone else and if you want to kill yourself you should have every right to, I think it's retarded not to wear one, but I also think it's retarded that they can fine you for not doing so.

    I've been pulled over for not having a license plate on the front of my car yet I've never seen a bike with one on the front.... hmmmm???

    ticket for a broken tail light, but bikes only have one in the first place??

    I love America, but she can be really retarded sometimes.

  3. In most states you have to. Obviously, not all. However, Its because it hasn't been proven that helmets "prevent an accident". The argument is that, even though you want one if you wreck, but sometimes the reason you wreck is because you have one on. It depends on the helmet too, Full face helmets trap air inside, and make little wistling noises. That makes it really hard to hear anyone driving up on you or passing you. Some times you cant hear sirens. However there are helmets out there that arent full face covered. Mostly guys argue not to wear them because it ruins the look.

  4. Your logic is flawed.  Let's do it this way.  

    To race a car, you must wear a helmet.  So, why do we allow car drivers to drive without a helmet?  Sounds rather ignorant, doesn't it.  Granted, with one, you would be safer in an accident, and only a bit more uncomfortable.  We don't need to cover the fire suits and such.

    So it is concievable that seat belt usage in a car is not very safe, not nearly as effective as an airbag.  So with cars equipped with airbags, why do we still require car drivers to wear seat belts?

    Motorcyclists are required in MOST states to wear a helmet.  A Helmet is designed to safely protect a RACE CAR DRIVER's head from the possible injuries it would sustain in a car accident.  See the correlation to motorcycles - I hope not.

    Did you realize that once a manufacturer (Yamahahahahaha) actually built a bike with a seat belt???  Maybe all bikes should also come with safety belts, since cars do and one did!!!  No thanks, the last thing I really want around me IF I go down is a 500-600 pound motorcycle looking for some flesh to meet.

    Actually it has to do with odds.  Odds are, if you stay exactly where you were designed to be, in most cars, following MOST accidents, you will have enough space around you, you will live through the accident.  

    With motorcycles, they already know there is no where for you to stay, so that portion of the equation is already a blur.  Now how do most die?  A hit on the head.  So that's where the legislature is focused, be it right or wrong.

  5. because seatbelts stop you from becoming a projectile, wearing a helmet just makes you a harder projectile...

  6. i wear seat belts because i want to. there should be no law to tell me i have to. just like there should be no law to make you wear a helmet. next they want to make talking on phones illegal. then it will be eating then listening to the radio.

  7. in most states (espeically for those under 21) you do.

    and honestly a seat belt isn't all that safe.... ever look up the statistics for seat-belt specific injuries? it's alot more common then you might think...

  8. because, in the past we bikers stood up for our rights through lobbying efforts, protest runs and MRO's. Most people in this country are just sheep and will put up with whatever bs the government forces on them.

  9. I never wear my seat belt while driving.

    I only wear my helmet because the commie law makers and helmet companies reinstated the law after we the people got rid of it.

    If we had no law I might wear it for safety

    Having no say in wearing it, is UN-American

  10. One has nothing to do with the other.

  11. Because the law needs a reason to pull you over. In a car they can use the seat belt as their vise. On a bike they can see everything you're doing.

    Both seat belt and helmet law are money making BS laws, established to do nothing more then help us{Americans} lose freedoms.

  12. It is ez to tell someone two wear one but there are a few folks out there that feel a helmet is just as likely to hurt or kill you as not wearing one.

    I don't care for them because They hurt my head lower my line of site even if I have a fitted one. i wear one because I have to.

    I don't think the law should tell us to wear a helmet or a seat belt

    How ever in you under 18 you should have to wear both maybe not at the same time

  13. One has nothing to do with the other.  

    In my state we know this and  our Motorcycle Rights Assoc. along with  everyday riders, supported a  law that allows adults to make the decision to wear a helmet  or not.

  14. Because there are groups out there that advocate the "Let those who ride, Decide" rule. I support those groups and even though I wear a helmet, I think it is up to each adult person as to wear what they feel is safe.

  15. Please don't go on a helmet crusade.

    There are proposals to make seat belts mandatory on motorcycles.

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