
In a car accident this morning?

by  |  earlier

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my sister was merging into traffic and slammed into a truck that stopped, i went forward (weaaring a seatbelt) at first i was kinda short of breath, now my chest is hurting not bad but a little sore should i still get it checked out




  1. I'm sorry about your accident and hope that everything is alright but what you need to do is call 850-545-5325 A National Motor Club Representative will assist you. because so much you our missing right now. and you really need it. But if your hurting badly and cannot wait until 12:30pm then immediate rush to the hospital. And after you come home from the hospital make sure you call. Good luck

  2. yes. and the first question they will ask you is why did you wait so long. my gf is a nurse and she told me that a girl was in an accident and hit her head on the windshield, she did not bleed or nothing like that, she just had a bump on her forehead. everybody told her to just put ice on it and that she would be alright. that night she went into convulsions and they took her to emergency room where she died. she was bleeding into her brain cavity slowly from the accident. if she had gone to the hospital they would have done a cat scan which would have saved her. so the next time you get into an  accident just forget everything else, get checked out first.

  3. Yes, anytime that you are in an accident you should get checked out by your doctor just in case....

  4. YES

  5. Just to be safe yes go see your  doctor

  6. Yes, you need to get to a hospital asap just make sure you are okay. I knew a guy that was in a bad car accident and he was sitting up talking to the paramedics and he kept telling everyone he was okay. He died after he got to the hospital.

  7. Yes, Sweetie! If it hurts then you definitely had internal injury!

  8. I would recommend you going to your Doctor and being seen. It dosen't sound to serious, but you may become a little more sore as time goes by. best of luck to you

  9. Yes You Don't Know What Type Of Injury's You Might Have, And Don't Even Know About Neck ,Ribs Or Even Bleeding. With Out Going To Doctor Now You'll Be On Your Own Later If Something Shows Up.

  10. yes, you definately should incase something worse should appear you are in the clear and the insurance will pay for doctors and any bills

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