
In a couple of days i will be flying in a airplane, and i was wondering how can i stop the popping in the ear?

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i flew before, and when i landed it sucked, because the popping. I thought chewing gum works but i didnt really work.

How can i stop the popping when i land in the airplane. Dont know if this matters, but i will be going to Arizona.




  1. Definitely try the swallowing, yawning, and hold-your-nose-and-try-to-blow, as others have suggested.

    But, if that doesn't work, a 4th thing to try is...sorry, this is a little difficult to describe, but try to bounce your adam's apple up and down, by moving your mouth as if you're saying "ya-ya-ya-ya".  If you know any SCUBA divers, the PADI manual does a better job of describing it than I just did.

  2. take off is generally not that bad.  The landing is usually the hard part.

    When you swallow, you can relieve pressure on the ear.  That is why people chew gum.  Any kind of candy will work for most people.

    After you have landed, you can try to relieve the pressure by swallowing or by plugging your nose and blowing out it.  This will also pop your ears, but be careful, dont blow too hard or you could cause damage.

    As far a stopping it from happening in it entirety, it is not possible.

    The best trick for me is to have 2 or 3 alcoholic beverages while in the air (if you are of legal age).  The altitude increases there effects, and you are sober again as soon as you land.  When I do this, I don't even notice the pressure.

  3. eating helps. also look down at your knees. that can help equalize the pressure in your ears. yawn a lot.

  4. I would say chew gum or drink water

  5. I have always found that chewing gum as well taking a dose of pseudoephedrine (like Sudafed) works wonders and is much more convenient than eating on the plane as it is landing. Chewing gum usually works much better for children, but not always so much on its own for adults. My ears used to pop like crazy and wouldnt unpop for days after a flight until my doctor recommended the dose of pseudoephedrine in addition to the gum chewing and I have not had an ear popping incident since.

    Also, newer planes often have a slow pressure release valve so that the pressure doesnt change so rapidly when descending, which also helps control the ear popping.

    Hope this helps!

  6. just swallow when u feel them tensing up

  7. even though they say turn off your electronic devices.. just listen to your ipod or mp3 and then you wont even notice you landed!!

    good luck!

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