
In a fight, when do I have to stop punching the other guy?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Stop punching  when he's on the ground.

  2. when you won

  3. When the threat to yourself or others has been removed.  That could be when he's unconcious, or has just lost his/her bottle or even if you've created an opening to retreat / high tail it out of there.  It all depends on the threat the other guy presents.  This varies depending on the guy - a 7' behemoth on pcp or a p****d off granny.

    The law.

  4. When he is completely beheaded you can stop!!

  5. when hes on the floor bleeding, make sure he wont get back up, but make sure you havent killed him

  6. When he starts to cry for his mummy

  7. if your forced to fight and have no way out, then probably when he's no longer a threat, meaning when he gives up or when he's in too much pain to try to fight you again. The reason for this is, if you go too far you can be sentenced to jail for assault or unnecessary violence.

  8. well if your hittin someone well on top they usually will say if there done. but sometimes if im like killing someone my friend will like pull me off if he wont quit

  9. either he's unconscious, or gives up

  10. When he isn't coming at you anymore.  You're not going to chase someone to keep hitting them...If they are leaving the fight is over...or if they are down the fight is over until if and when they get back up.

    The only reason to start a fight is if you feel threatened.  Once you don't feel threatened anymore there is no need to keep fighting.

  11. The instant he's no longer a threat to you.

    Unless you want to go to jail.

    The point of martial arts is to protect, not to beat someone into a pulp to prove how much of a man you are. If you want that type of garbage, UFC is the place for you.

  12. In a mma fight don't stop till the ref pulls you off.  In a street fight, technically you don't have to stop punching them if you don't care about the law gettin you

  13. when you know hes not a threat anymore if he gives up back away slowly in case he tricks you

  14. when he's had enough just don't go to far or it's prison

  15. DO NOT, AND I REPEAT, DO NOT KEEP HITTING HIM OJN THE GROUND. No matter whose fault it is, you will get into some serious c**p with lawyer, and legal issues.

    Hit him a couple of times, knock him down (generally he will learn his lesson if he is outclassed) then walk away, but make sure he doesnt come after you with your back turned.

    But try to avoid confrontation any way, it never ends up coming out good for anyone

  16. when he stops breathing

    you'll go to jail

  17. Why do you have to get into a fight in the first place?

  18. When the cops come...

  19. never...always punch until god himself stops you

  20. when he's laying flat out unconscious

  21. when you know hes had enough and wont jump you once your back is turned

  22. When the other guy is either out, or gives up.

    Because you already won the fight if that's the case.

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