
In a fight how do I strike without feeling to much pain with the part a struck with?

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In a fight how do I strike without feeling to much pain with the part a struck with?




  1. It's through conditioning, and it takes years to do properly. There's no real long drawn out explanation necessary. It happens naturally because you train regularly and your body builds up a toughness. That's all.

  2. You keep hitting the part that hurts and it'll eventually go away.

    To explain it more briefly, there are such things called Wolf's law. If you keep applying pain to the bones, it starts to become thicker and harder in order to protect the bone from that pain and prevent it from breaking. Martial artists knew this logic way before the Wolf's law was found for thousands of years and is still using it. Some people doesn't want to go through those pains so they end up sticking with that pain for the rest of their lives. But forget about those wimps. You sound like you want to get rid of those pains and now you know that there's only one way out of it if you want to keep fighting.

    PS: It'll be great because you'll by doing this every single day, you should be able to hit even harder objects and not feel pain at all. Try doing it for a year or couple of months and the results should come up by that time. Take good care of your hand and becareful.

  3. What do you mean by "with the part a struck with"?

  4. If you want to learn how to fight without getting hurt, there is a form of tai chi where it teaches you how to defend yourself without applying much strength or force to your attacks. I don't know how to do it though. only read about it.

  5. Pain... such a wonderfull experience..


    You could always try to condition your body to take pain and punishment. Start with your knuckles and whole arms... strike them with a wooden surface... Preferably a Tonfa...

    Then, let the bones heal for about 3 days and repeat the proccess...

    After that is done for a while, your bones will be a lot stronger than original.

  6. Go to a sporting good store to buy wrist wraps.  Those are used to protect your hand and wrists in boxing.  Then buy some orthopedic bandages for your knees and elbows.  Those will prevent your bones from moving too far in the wrong direction during impact.  

    Then you could always just carry a baseball bat and buy yourself a big dog to take with you.  With this combo you have instant back up and no broken bones.

  7. Practice proper strikes using the appropriate striking surfaces.

    For example, a straight punch should be delivered with the index and middle knuckle...if the other fingers are involved, you could injure or break them if you use sufficient force.

    Mind you, any time you make contact, you will feel it but to minimize risk to yourself, you need to know the proper technique.

    Side notes:

      If you are in a martial arts program, you should NOT be using enough force to cause yourself or your sparring partner any pain but your sensei should be teaching you that.  So, if you are into just beating random people up for won't be long before you are in jail for using that kind of force.  If you are being victimized, you should contact the authorities instead of trying to fight back because it's better to be called a "whimp" or whatever than being dead.  If you are currently in a life or death situation...get off of the internet and run!

    Good luck!

  8. Try this :

  9. there's really not much you can do here. if you're talking about your fists, you can obviously wear gloves, but i don't know if this is the kind of fighting you are talking about. the best thing to do is make contact with whatever you are striking. if you miss, you'll probably over-extend your shoulder muscles. try to hit your opponent fully, at a straight angle. if you simply graze your opponent's body, your wrist can bend and possibly get injured. it usually doesn't hurt to simply punch someone, unless you're hitting bone. in a fight, your adrenaline is going and you don't even notice pain. hope this helps.

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