
In a fight to the death for Lime Kitty's attention who would win: Sophia or me...?

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  1. I don't even know who Sophia is.  The emperor clearly has his eye on you.

    Edit: d**n, where did all these kittys come from???

  2. sophia. sorry but she seems more dedicated.

  3. can I vote for myself.....?

  4. Sophia has a lime in her mouth.  where is your lime?  

  5. Perhaps this could be arranged.

    But instead we'll do nude lime jello wrestling.

    When it's over, we shall all retire to my chambers.

  6. I love you englishrose/woman/kate winslett/rachel weisz etc

    no-one has so seductively eaten an apple like you, since Eve first took that first munch

  7. Well. You've still got me (once that Guinness gets here by email).

  8. Sophia...

    Just look at that mouth! And English girls have bad teeth...  

  9. Don't know who Sophia is or you -

    BUT the almighty Lime Kitty Emperor gives NO attention to minions.    

  10. Aaaah!  There are two of you and only one of me....

    And LimeKitty is a bit of a pervert...

    I don't know!  :' (

  11. All you have to do is whack Sophia in the mouth and she'll choke on that lime!

    (sorry Sophia!)

  12. You never know . There might be someone else looking for the attention of the great one!

  13. Sophia shows more skin. i suggest you take off your shirt.  

  14. stop obscuring your full face, same pic with no glass and no top would be great. Lime Kitty is scary she is like Jebus in that she is everywhere at once but unlike him in that she really exists  

  15. No need for a Death Match...

    There's enough of Us to go around.



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