
In a fight where punching is only allowed. Is it smart to move back while punching?

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lets say your opponent is comming in towards you swing their arms at you. Which one of these options are better and if you have a better one please let me know.

1. Move back while dodging his swings and punces while punching him (not a lot of power but your not getting hit)

2. Keep your feet planted on the floor and punch him with all you get while getting violently hit at the same time.

3. your opinion.




  1. In general, backing up while punching is a bad idea. If you can, step to the side and counter. Basically everyone who has answered gave you options. Circling away is preferred, but backing up isn't necessarily going to get you crushed. Just be sure you have enough room. You don't want to wind up with your back against the ropes, cage, wall, etc. Also keep in mind that while backing up you're at risk of losing balance and falling/getting knocked over.

    There are a ton of options. Blocks, strategies, counters, evasions... Too much to get into.

    Hope that helps.

  2. contrary to what some ppl are suggesting it is important to be able to fight moving backwards and as to wasting energy what a load of c** need to be able to fight while stepping in any direction.and you should avoid being hit at any cost,if that means stepping back or in another direction then that's what you do.if you are being taught properly you should be able to throw punches and kicks with power as you are stepping backwards,of course experience also never ceases to amaze me how many ppl who think they can fight or think their martial artists that cant fight while stepping backwards.(none of them my students as i think fighting backwards is very important and that's what i teach my students.)

  3. never move backwards while striking unless your setting up another movement it will waste more ebergy then effectively dodge adviceuse angles if they are throwing flailing wide punches get inside and use your hips for sometimes you have to take one to give one

  4. There are many options! For example if he tries to jab you .you could just slip the punch and hook him punch his jaw,temple, or ribs. It's up to you to decide to move back, around, or charge him with your own attack!

  5. It's best to punch with your body rather than s***w yourself backing up. Backing up and punching won't do c**p to your opponent, and you run the risk of tripping, which will end in you being whupped. Punch forward, dodge, and block. And don't be a wimp about it.

  6. 1. Pretty good option I guess.  You most likely won't get hit and it will frustrate the other guy.  Plus, if he throws too much weight into a punch, you can quickly spin around him and use the momentum to try to ko him.

    2. Might work if you have a significant weight/strength advantage, but risky.

    3. (Assuming he's punching with his right)

    I would slip to MY left under his punch and then either punch or elbow him with my left into his temple or jaw.

    Or I would lean  to the left just enough for the punch to miss me, and then I'd throw all my weight into punching him in the gut with my right

  7. When you fight someone, never move back in a straight line because anybody with legs will just run a little faster and destroy the face that you drowned with so many ProActiv bottles.

    My opinion is that you should always move off of your opponent's center line(the direction where there chest is facing) and if you want to move straight back, try throwing uppercuts instead of other punches because if they're rushing at you they will most likely be throwing punches towards your face which exposes their chin.

    Hope I helped!

  8. 3. Evade his punch and counterattack.

    There are several techniques which are offensive and defensive at the same time. One is the Jun Fan rolling punch.

    Moving back while punching will just waste energy.

  9. The best option out of the two that you list would be number one.  As others above have stated circling out is the best option.  If a fighter comes in "hot" your best bet is to stick him with the jab and circle to his weak side(left for rightys, right for leftys) to avoid his punches altogethter.  If the fight lasts more than a minute or two chances are h**l tire due to his lack of strategy and then youll be able to plant your feet when you punch and go to work on him

  10. 1. this worked for ali? why? he had a reach advantage against most opponents, if you are taller then this could provide you an advantage.

    2. I would learn to parry, slip, bob and weave so I don't get hit as much or at least avoid the most damaging shots, but if you are shorter than him you don't have much of an option- what are you going to hit while backpeddaling if the other guy has a much much longer reach than you?  you do need to learn to get inside properly so you aren't getting beaten while you close range.

    3. what you are touching on is the basic boxing comparison of brawler vs. boxer vs. puncher.  (lets not get into the more specific in fighter out figher, etc.)

  11. 3. Evade and counter-punch, ala Chuck Liddell.  Although the punch will not carry as much power it will land in a vulnerable area since your opponent will be off-balance and at a weird angle.  Strike at the temple or just below the ear at the jaw line for a potential knock out.

  12. lol let me put it easy.

    If someone shoots you with a gun, the bullet is just gonna come straight at you. Now, if you step back, that bullet is sure as h**l gonna hit you. Same thing with punches.

    You always want to be movin around in a circle, always on your feet, movin movin in a circle around them.

    If they are any kind of a fighter and you move backwards, they're gonna make you pay the price

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