
In a game of bingo.... Who??

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Who? or what? is Kellys eye number one??? where did the saying come from?? Thank you in advance




  1. huh???

  2. From my research, it seems to have its roots from one-eyed Australian gangster Ned Kelly.

  3. dunno ..... good question!

    will be interested to see wot the answer is!

    was "kelly" a famous cat of some description - possibly belonging to some one in the british army where the game was first played / developed.???

    not found anything on t'internet to give a definative answer!

    Found it!

    Kelly’s Eye is so-called after the one-eyed Australian gangster Ned Kelly. Mythologised as a Robin Hood style figure, Ned Kelly became a folk hero to many Australians for his defiance of the colonial authorities. The focal point of Trafalgar Square, Nelson’s Column could be said to look like a number one and Nelson also had just one eye.

    will star ur q tho - good one!

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