
In a game of expert minesweepers, what is the chance of a square revealing an 8?

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Obviously the chance of any of the squares on the border of the board revealing an eight is nil. But I've played thousands and thousands of expert minesweeper games (best time 1m 59s) but only ever seen one eight (it's black for those who haven't). There must be a mathematical probability level of 99 randomly dispersed mines deploying themselves in such a manner - what is it?





  1. eh? i thought 8 is gray? black is 7, right? i'd like to know the answer, too. best time is only 142, still too much.

  2. My best tme is 102 secs and I've seen a few 8s but not many.  Not sure what the probability is though.

    keep in mind all the games that you don't win - they may have many 8s on them and that could reduce your chances of winning.

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