
In a good mood everything feels so nice, Is it possible to be positive and happy irrespective of the moods?

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Thanks in advance for answering. Peace and Blessings!




  1. Yes, when we build our inner world to not be swayed at the whim of emotion, whether our own or others. What we become, peaceful, happy, positive, is the direct result of examining ourselves, our hearts, not feeding the unwanted elements of negative thinking but cultivating love, kindness and peace.  

  2. Are we speaking here of a state of equanimity wherein one is without attatchment, but is deeply connected to the Now?  Positivity and happiness are results of this very equanimity, or acceptance of things as they are, without desire for outcomes to which one is attached or with which one is self-identified.  An even-temperedness skirts the ups and downs of the world of duality with its constant and persistent changing conditions...reflecting on what is as it is brings non-attatchment and a sense of one's true nature.  "Moods" (as commonly defined) imply changing states, impernanency.  To be without moods is to be in congruency with Source, accepting and surrendering to each moment as it arises and falls away.  Even preferences (tied to the false ego-identification of self-referencing) bind one to the dream world of duality.  To step out of the concept of choices, preferences, judgments, or thirst for specific outcomes is to merge into Source expressing perfectly as It moves through us as us.  A mood implies being outside of Source and separate from Its life force, when in fact there is no separation or differentiation from All That Is.  Acceptance, surrender, merging, "realization" do not entail moods (which suggest entanglement in concepts built on limited understanding or incomplete experiencing).  To be without moods is to be in a state of oneness with All That Is as It is, neither resisting what is nor desiring self-serving outcomes.

    i am Sirius

  3. The wise say that it is possible and feasible.The sciptures say that and, also , show the way. The scipture warns that it is easy to understand but difficult to practice. It is only by internalising oneself this is possible.

    In simpl terms , it talks of two "I"s , the small one and the big one. The big "I" , also called the consciousness /awareness  is completely free of the Body /mind complex. The small "i" is the mischief maker. This drags tthe big I onto itself and makes it feel responsible for, both happiness and sorrow.

    If one can know the difference then ( they say) you as the big 'I " can be a witness to things   and can keep  equanimity  irrespective of joy or sorrow.

  4. Yes,if your mind is without any contents.

  5. f u r a sufi, then u already know that the answer is yes, b one with God, and u will never feel pain or suffering, brother.

    just like u got on your description page:

    "Riches are not from an abundance of worldy goods, but from a contented mind" Muhammed (SAW)

  6. yehh man anythings possible. when ever you feel your angry or whatever mood just tell yourself to be positive and happy. this is a mind thing but its freaky cause it works. also try and see the positive and happy things of everything that turns your mood around.

    well i hope i helped you :D

  7. I think we all believe that by talking about our feelings, we reach deep new insights, and that understanding is what transforms us

  8. It sure is possible but too hard for me!

    Its very easy to get harsh and sarcastic when feelings like anger, hopelessness, helplessness and injustice over whelm us!

  9. Yeah its called drugs.  Although there are some side effects.  Like having no money, no life, no real friends, its 100 times worse than being in a bad mood if you end up off them, oh yeah and they can kill you.  Yeah not a great alternative, stick with the moods.  In the end you will be a lot happier.

  10. Its called living in a state of nirvana, a heavenly bliss, a paradisal spiritual intoxication, the ultimate condition of mans existance ...

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