
In a moment of madness i applied for a volunteering teaching program in Pakistan and paid deposit?

by Guest59753  |  earlier

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and now i'm going in a few weeks. It's four months! It's an incredible opportunity since i've never been to Asia, however will the teaching there be seen as good experience and more importantly, is it safe in Pakistan? The teaching is based in Lahore. Thanks x




  1. WOW!!! what an opertuntity!!!

    jus keep your legs and hair covered, its just a question of respect, people are nice wherever you go, it's just the few extreme cases that make everything look bad when it's not :s and so if you respect thier culture you shouldn't get into trouble :D

    hope it goes well, ENJOY!!! xx

  2. Two suggestions:

    1.  Check out the peace corps website.  They have an educator section and lots of interesting articles and lessons for teaching overseas.

    2.  Have you read Three Cups of Tea?  It is the story of an American who built schools in Pakistan...a very interesting read that gives a bit of history as well.

    Good luck and I hope you have fun!

  3. The main thing is to dress and behave respectfully. If you dress as some girls do in the west you might be thought of as being a low-life girl and draw trouble to yourself.

    Generally, people all over the world are actually quite nice. That is a major feature of the human species despite some exceptions. Just respect the culture that you are moving into.

  4. Wow!!!  How exciting!!!

    Try to follow the "dress code" of the place you will be at.  They will not be expecting you to use the same clothes but I would dress as conservatively as I could and cover your hair.  It could be kind of neat to look for accessories.

    You could buy a couple of dresses that cover your legs and use long sleeves as well.

    Just remember that it is an excellent opportunity and try to do your best.

    Do not express your political opinions.  Just teach your subject.

    Do not compare cultures.  Do live with an attitude that you are there as much to learn as to teach.

    Enjoy it!!!

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