
In a nutshell, what is the conflict about regarding the "Orange March" in Northern Ireland?

by Guest67044  |  earlier

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In a nutshell, what is the conflict about regarding the "Orange March" in Northern Ireland?




  1. i wouldnt know where to start

  2. Dutch born king Willliam of Britain defeated catholic king James in 1690 in the battle of the Boyne. The so-called orangemen insist on provoking the catholic areas of northern ireland by marching thru their streets and rubbing it in.!

  3. Others have noted the history - and here is what it means to us today  - these parades are nothing more than a brutal and humiliating reminder of the crushing of Irish Catholics.   There is no way - no matter how they are gussied up - that they are anything else but this - and those of us in Catholic neighbourhoods find it insulting and degrading.

  4. the march celebrates a victory of a loyalist king over a catholic king at the battle of the boyne so obviously when you fast forward a few hundred years to the present the catholics dont exactly enjoy having the union jack and the orange order marched up and down their streets sort of gets their backs up

  5. i can't understand how anyone could celebrate the killing of their own people by a foreign power it would be like the english celebrating the fourth of july

  6. It's intimidatory.

  7. The marches celebrate a protestant vistory over catholics....that causes upset in catholic areas.

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