
In a philosophical way what does it mean to be human? what about scientifically speaking?

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i need this question to be answered thoughtfully and an answer to both questions will be very appreciated.




  1. Scientifically the human body is made up of atoms that join to be molecules and molecules to tissues, tissues to muscles and organs, and organs to what we know as human.  Genes are chromosomes that makes the genetic make up as to determine what s*x, features and point of evolution we are in.  But where does philosophy fits in the processes?

    It is nothing got to do with the body because it is not part of the body.  The body is like a car, the mind that comprehends philosophy is the driver.  Though the driver drives the car it is not part of the body of the car, it is the illusion that we are one with the body.  The mind is sentient to other beings and it is part of the consciousness of the Universe.  

    The Universe is not the physical universe where there are planets and galaxy but the rather the force in between all known and unknown , comprehensible and uncompromisable things and moments, ever expanding, ever transcending, ever conscious, it is absolute, it is pure, and it is ever constant.   It is Nothing but Having, Empty yet Full.

  2. it means making mistakes but learning rom them. it meast living and loving and just being. it doesnt mean to be smarter of higher thinking, it means having a soul and doing the righ thing when it counts and just being you

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