
In a polaroid land camera what do the red and black buttons do?

by Guest60297  |  earlier

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i just got one and wanted to know what they do before i try it out





  1. What's the LandCamera's Model Number?  If I knew which it was, I could possibly tell ya.

    Edit - that's what had me confused, man.  I have 3 of them and don't have seperate red and black buttons.  The only Red and black button I can think of on a camera is on a camera that is like the Polaroid 600 and later cameras where the red one uses the flash and the black just trips the numbers.

  2. One is an eject button and the other is for the flame thrower.

    Just kidding.

    In a Land camera (and BTW, it's named after the inventer Dr. Edwin Land, not that you can only use the camera on land), da red button is for tripping the shutter.  

    On the Land cameras I have seen, there is no black button.  There is a black k**b for adjusting exposure on the front next to da lens.  There R a couple of push levers for adjustin' the focus.  And there's a lever for adjusting for a bright day, flash, or cloudy day or film speed.  Then there's the latch for opening da back.  Finally, there's a lever for cocking (!) the shutter.  That's it.

    To use:  Put batteries in camera, lift film latch, open back, insert film, close and latch back.  Pull black paper out.

    c**k shutter.  adjust for daylight or cloudy and for film type.

    Focus.  Push red button.  Pull white tab, then pull film out.  Wait and then peel apart.  Hooray!

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