
In a rally scoring game of volleyball, which is better strategy if you win the coin toss: side or serve?

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You can earn a point regardless of whether you serve or not. I can see the advantage of picking a side if you are playing beach or grass and there is a certain side that is in the sun or if the wind is stronger. However, I've seen a lot of teams pick to receive the ball over anything else. What would be the advantage of receiving the ball?




  1. instead of having the pressure of messing up the serve, you can put the pressure on the other team, especially if the other team has weak servers.  If you can, check them out first and then when the coin toss comes, you can make the decision.

  2. like if you choose for the other team to serve and they serve and miss it or your team wins the point. then you get 1 point from that and then whoever serves will earn some more points(hopefully:]) .

  3. My team always picks receive. You get a good pass good set and put the ball down right away for the fist point. You get to be on offense first and not wait for the other team to get it over.

  4. you want to receive...if you rec. you have 2 chances to score before the other team...1st by the other team missing the serve or your team making the first attack...also you will get serve the 2nd game

  5. It really depends on the level of play and the quality of the servers.  

    If I was coaching a younger age group, I would probably choose the serve if I had a player that could get the serve over an in.  

    If I was coaching a strong D1 college team, I would choose to receive the serve.  

    If I had a VERY GOOD SERVER, I would probably choose to serve even in the older age groups.  

    Good teams at the older age groups are more likely to side out than they are to score points on their serve.  You can check it out.  Does the set/game go more than 2 complete rotations?  If it goes exactly 2 complete rotations, that is 12 servers out of 25 points or an even split between the serving points and the side out points.  If your team goes less than 2 rotations, your team would benefit from serving first.  If it goes more than 2 complete rotations, you would benefit from receiving first.

  6. I always go for serve receive as well, unless its outside with the sun in  your eyes or something like that.  If your team serves you then have the opposing team spiking at you on offense.  Its easier to get the point when you're on offense rather than tyring to defend.

  7. Being serve-receive first is an advantage if you have a decent back row and hitters that can put the ball down.

    If your back row is weak, choose serve first if you have a good server.

    This question would be easier to answer if we knew the age group and ability of the players on your team.

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