
In a recent dream, I realized that I was retarded to a certain degree. What does this mean?

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I think that I was in some kind of hospital maybe, there were other people around me who had disabilities as well. I have had no history of having metal disabilities; I am highly educated with a penchant for learning. No one in my family has a disability.

I have been job hunting for the last several months and haven't had much success. I don't know if that has anything to do with the dream.




  1. Most likely its because you were around people who had disabilities and you are insecure about finding a job as you have not had much success. Therefiore, your brain registered those things in your mind and you saw it in your dream. Dreams are combinations of our daily activities and experiences.

  2. It means you dumb, foo!

    Seriously, though, it's probably a manifestation of some fear you have.  You probably hold your intelligence highly and therefore, not having it would be bad.  Maybe job rejections have made you feel less than adequate, and you're questioning your qualifications.  

    It could also be that you're afraid of losing your intelligence somehow.  Are you sniffing glue, voting Democrat or doing anything else that would cause brain damage?

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