
In a relationship what's more important: Substance or Chemistry?

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Substance - having good quality's

Chemistry - mutual understanding




  1. chemistry- liking each other/sharing the same values

  2. I like this question, btw!

    You need both---one cant live without the other. For example, substance could represent all the solid stuff---like both being financially independent, having good family ties, being a respectful and loving partner...etc.

    As for Chemistry---its all about the attraction---just like in chemistry, how things attract and come to each other. Substance wouldnt matter if two people werent attracted to one another physically and mentally to begin with. With Chemistry--one can be attracted to someone for only so long---if there is no substance to hold onto---then the relationship could deteriorate!

  3. Substance

  4. They are both important, but the substantial chemistry often comes from appreciation of the substance, which is why two friends who each may have never found the other attractive will often grow to form a romantically intensified relationship.  

  5. If there is no chemistry, who is going to stand around long enough to find out if there is substance?

    You have no long term relationship, if you do not first have a short term relationship. But without substance, it is just a fling.

  6. substance goes perfect with chemistry.

    you can have both its an enigma.

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