
In a state of complete mental and emotional relaxation...?

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Let's say you're lying in bed or on a couch, and for a short period of time you decide not to feel OR think about anything good OR bad. So, in a sense, you're just in state of complete mental and emotional relaxation.

I've done this before, and what usually follows is an unprovoked feeling of well-being. When I say "unprovoked", I mean that it's not caused by my own thoughts, because my mind is relaxed. Rather, it just sprouts up inside me by itself, or almost by itself.

Again, this happens after I've gotten rid of any thoughts and feelings in me. I'm not a psychologist, so I thought someone here could give me an explanation.

My question is this; Am I crazy, like should I see my doctor, or is there some natural explanation for this phenomenon?




  1. People might tell you ADD or whatever, but you recognize the issue yourself. I really would recommend not going to any MD for this.

    It's normal, but having control over it is great! Most people can't relax.

    I recommend trying some meditation, you might be really good at it.  

  2. Under such circumstance, I feel you should only be too happy that you have known the technique of relaxing the mind from its oscillating behavior. Thus you have been able to feel your well being.

    I am not able to understand what type of consultation you will require from a Doctor in such a situation.

    You are able to create a thought vacuum in your mind. It is also a type of concentration which is useful for meditation. Yoga teachers emphasis on this to their students. This kind of mental and emotional relaxation cannot be obtained by every person like you. I appreciate that you have this special quality on your own.  

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