
In a surfers term what is a wedge?

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In a surfers term what is a wedge?




  1. Its where one wave is coming and another bounces off an object like rocks and they collide and the sort of form together forming an a-frame where they meet. It's also a surf spot at Newport beach in Southern California.

  2. A wave condition in which two waves converge together and merge in from the sides to create a more powerful A-frame type of wave. A wedge can be created by a reflected wave bouncing off an obstacle like a jetty, rock, or wall and then merging with the original part of the wave that came straight in. A wedge can also be created by a portion of the wave refracting or wrapping in from deeper water like a channel or underwater canyon to merge with the original part of the wave coming straight in. Wedges create good shaped waves with rights and lefts, along with more powerful waves than normal, which naturally attract good surfers.

  3. The Wedge is Surfing Location in Southern California.

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