
In a typical day In France what might the people living there eat?

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Curious about what is eaten in France in a normal day?




  1. Lots of dairy. And bread...I mean, I know it sounds cliche - but true. I spent 3 weeks there last summer with my boyfriend and his family (they're french). We ate normal enough breakfast, either some bread or cereal...and probably yogurt. Then for lunch like a salad - greens and tomatoes and cheese w/ a vinaigrette...maybe some bread....and some yogurt. Then you'd probably walk downtown and get a coffee or a drink at some point in the afternoon.... Then back home for something a little heavier - possibly depending on the region. Some meat and vegetables...and cheese....and then, some yogurt!

  2. Frogs´ legs and snail. Really!

  3. breakie :

    hot drink with bread slices, jam, or croissants, or cereals


    entree (salade or curred pork, soup... in small quantity)

    main dish : depend of the season and region but usually meat and vegie or pasta or rice

    dessert cheese, fruit, yogurt...

    or for busy people sandwich or salad

    tea (for kids after school)

    fruit, biscuits

    dinner same as lunch (but different meat and vegie...)


    main dish


  4. in the morning you have the "petit déjeuner" :

    bread, jam, butter, chocolate paste, sometime cheese...

    tea, coffee, water, orange juice...

    for lunch, the "déjeuner" :

    first meal : entrée

    it can be a composed salad or a soup or a lot of things

    second meal : plat

    it can be a lot, a lot, a lot of things, just have a look in a website of french recipes

    third meal : dessert

    it's at least cheese or yogurt, or/and cake, fruit...

    and for the evening "diner"

    it's the same kind of thin than for the "déjeuner"

    and i forgot to tell that around 16h or 17h you have de "4 heures" which is like a little breakfast

    what you really eat depends of the region too

  5. By exemple, my menu for last friday:

    Breakfast: coffee, toasts with jam.

    Lunch: salad, steak, yogurt, fruit, coffee.

    Dinner: soup, fish with rice, cheese of course, fruit

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