I'm starting to think that Obama supporters are much more radical and on the left than Obama himself. Obama just seems to be a flip flopper without any concrete ideas, doing and saying whatever it takes to get a vote. I don't think he even knows why people are paying attention to him, he's just in the game because people are reacting to him.
Sure, it's a turnoff to hear Obama talking about "change" all the time, but isn't it more annoying how rabidly in love his supporters are with him? That's the initial thing that put me off about Obama many months ago. His supporters and their totalitarian views, concerning many things. The way so many of them squeal, scream, cry and faint during his speeches and rallies... doesn't that seem over the top and melodramatic to *anyone*? It's scary to me how some people can be so emotionally invested in a politician... a politician who was a lawyer! The stint Obama did in Europe, in Germany... that did not help matters. One can't help but look at a crowd of Germans cheering for a politician and getting eerie flashbacks from Germany's history. I don't think this has anything to do with Obama himself-- sure, I don't like his politics, but I don't dislike him personally. I wouldn't vote for him, but I don't hate him, or even dislike him. However, many of his supporters make me want to take a shower. It's especially disturbing to me, because I'm a former Democrat. I honestly feel like I was in the bathroom when everyone else was being forced to drink Kool Aid.