
In a way, don't you think Obama supporters are worse than Obama himself?

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I'm starting to think that Obama supporters are much more radical and on the left than Obama himself. Obama just seems to be a flip flopper without any concrete ideas, doing and saying whatever it takes to get a vote. I don't think he even knows why people are paying attention to him, he's just in the game because people are reacting to him.

Sure, it's a turnoff to hear Obama talking about "change" all the time, but isn't it more annoying how rabidly in love his supporters are with him? That's the initial thing that put me off about Obama many months ago. His supporters and their totalitarian views, concerning many things. The way so many of them squeal, scream, cry and faint during his speeches and rallies... doesn't that seem over the top and melodramatic to *anyone*? It's scary to me how some people can be so emotionally invested in a politician... a politician who was a lawyer! The stint Obama did in Europe, in Germany... that did not help matters. One can't help but look at a crowd of Germans cheering for a politician and getting eerie flashbacks from Germany's history. I don't think this has anything to do with Obama himself-- sure, I don't like his politics, but I don't dislike him personally. I wouldn't vote for him, but I don't hate him, or even dislike him. However, many of his supporters make me want to take a shower. It's especially disturbing to me, because I'm a former Democrat. I honestly feel like I was in the bathroom when everyone else was being forced to drink Kool Aid.




  1. girl give us a break, dont blame the fact that your not voting for obama on his supporters. you shouldn't even be paying attention to them. and the fact that they "faint" and "scream"  at the idea of someone that really wants to make a change leads me to think of another reason why you might not want to vote for him. look at the depression our country is in, and you wonder why we put emotions into politics. were in an emotional and devastating state. h** if not ever is the time to cry!

  2. I think Obama is actually a nice liberal Democrat, who made a very poignant speech that captured the hearts of the lunatic left. Whom we all know will do or say anything to have the this historical moment for the sake the moment and at the expense of the country to which they hate anyway.

  3. Aycora ... as always ... I love the way you think ...

    You have made some astute observations that can be argued ... but not with much validity ....

    The ultra liberal is the downfall to a balanced life in our country ....

    The "Look at me I am Sandra Dee Syndrome" that infiltrates Obama and his VP reminds me more of a rock star than a political movement ...

    I have found a majority of his sheep to be very intolerant and insolent.

  4. its sad how so many people are falling for his moderate act.  He is a far left liberal who is way politically different than most Americans views.  I believe it will take 4 disastrous years of him as president for people to see he is all talk.  And that is assuming he is not assassinated

  5. What a very insightful well thought out question.  I too have often thought that Obama's supporters are much more radical than Obama himself.  It is a crying shame that the ultra liberal left wing of the democrat party has taken over the voice of the party.  What happened to the days when democrats had morals and values?  What happened to the days of John F. Kennedy?  What happened to "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"?  Has it been replaced by "what have you done for me lately"?

  6. Alot of them are downright fanatical!!  But, to be fair, not all of them are.  Those on YA that make the off-the-wall statements are just doing that to be sensationalistic and get noticed...I believe they have a very low self-esteem and are happy with any attention, be it positive or negative, they can get.

    I watched part of the DNC and it was sad to see the tears flowing from some of the faces.  You are's just politics and for people to get so caught up in speeches is a sign they are not being realistic.

    Experience and accomplishments are the key and Obama has neither.  He's a great orator, but that won't keep us safe.

    [O]peration [I]raqi [L]iberation - you are right, Obama is a great campaigner...the same as a great politician...NOT the same as a great leader of the largest armed forces in the world.

  7. True  story

  8. Yes

    the obamabots are disgusting

  9.'s his suppoters that will lose this electon

  10. Well I was a Republican for years, worked in their campaigns. Took me awhile before I saw the hypocrisy in their beliefs.

    Needless to say I don't share in your opinion.

  11. Absolutely Great Post.  I am grateful that as a U.S. Marine, I have someone with your perseverance and analytical ability on our side.  Obama supporters have cost Obama, millions of votes by attacking Sarah Palin's Children.  I am checking with the Federal Communication's Commissions about this very issue. I believe that Juveniles 17 and under are protected by Federal Law against attacks on the internet or any other Federal Controlled Communication System.  Obama supporters may have crossed the line on this one, along with costing Obama the Election.  I do know, that Predators who have attacked juveniles over the phone....have been prosecuted.   Keep up your Patriotic Work for Justice and Freedom.  Thank You

    McCain Palin 08

  12. No. I'm not radical at all.  That's why I'm worried about Palin taking office. She is TOO extreme in her views.

    Thanks for the rant.  This won't take anybody's focus off Palin's scandals.

  13. In my opinion, we really don't have much to chose from.  Either continue on with the Bush administration (war and corporate welfare) by voting for McCain or Obama who may change the direction to putting people ahead of corporations in this country.  

    As to Obama in Europe, Bush is not well liked in Europe. I remember the demonstrations against him.  How the world must perceive the US as a country to invade another country.  When the world offered assistance for Katrina, Bush turned them down.  Isn't that somewhat a slap in the face?  Bush is not know for being humble.  And his "Bring It On" attitude caused us a lot of damage.    

    The Germans may very well may have warmly received Obama because of our last President - Bill Clinton that was and is viewed favorably.  Bill Clinton with the Clinton Foundation is working to benefit the world.  Also, Hillary Clinton is viewed as a positive figure abroad.  She did represent the US on the Conference for Women.  

    Obama supporters are overzealous and I can personally attest to that.  I've been called racist, dumb, stupid, and uneducated because I did not support Obama during the primaries.  But now faced with either McCain or Obama, the choice is clear.  I cannot vote for someone who beats their chest for more war.  McCain called Bush telling him to send troops into Georgia.  That reaction tells me a lot...McCain is too must of a lose cannon.  Sometimes we need to pick the lesser of the evils.

    I am a Democrat and I am very upset with the DNC.  I think Howard Dean and Donna Brazile worked against Hillary Clinton.  The MI and FL primaries were not the only primaries that were moved, but they were the only ones punished.  Karl Rove certainly got what he wanted.  The Republicans did not want to go against Hillary Clinton in the General Elections.  After Obama accepted the nomination, a Republican strategist made that remark.  

  14. All the most successful politicians seem to be lawyers these days it must be something to do with the ability to make people believe them!

    They all say change because that's what most people want to hear its just the standard script.

  15. Seeing some of what I've seen posted on here today, I would be inclined to agree with you.

  16. You have a very valid point there, Aycora. Barry may be a total idiot and not seem to understand the war on terror at all, but he has said that he does not condone personal attacks on families, in particular, Palin's, during their crisis moments.

    Actually, her daughter is going to marry the father of the baby anyway, so what is the big problem?

    As usual, the Obamabots went overboard in their imaginations, trying to find a witch for their witch hunt.

    Even we McCain supporters haven't been so vicious with Joe Biden, since he seems to actually be a Republican, dressed as a Democrat.

    Perhaps the Koolade has caustic acids in it too, to go along with their hallucinogenics?

    Edit* Enough of this "McCain is a warmonger" c**p. He did NOT send troops to Georgia, but Bush's actions did bring about the withdrawal of most Russian troops from the area, and a cessation of hostilities.

    Meanwhile, Idiot Barry wants to "Take the war on Terror" into Bin Laden's cave in Waziristan. Waziristan is in Pakistan. Pakistan is an ally...maybe not very competent or effective, but an ally nevertheless. Idiot Barry's proposition is to declare war on another country, one that is an ally, and is also nuclear armed. Watch more carefully what your Idiot Lawyer says. He is not as "Peaceful" as you think.

    McCain is mostly for the stabilization and security of Iraq, while it builds its institutions ans security forces up to the point where it can handle its own problems.

    Then he will deal with Afghanistan, without giving Al Qaida a propaganda victory. He will support the Pakistani government with what it needs, to properly fight its own battles.

    Sounds more like someone who is trying to create security and peace, rather than war, doesn't it?

  17. Just watch the protestors at the RNC.

  18. You make a very good point.

  19. I was going to say the same thing about the religious right. I am glad you are speaking of Germany, because the germans were right winged like the Republicans and remember Hitler was  a warmonger like grampa Mc Cain so get your facts straight.

  20. You may be correct in your theory but don't let it disarm you.  Obama is dangerous and would be bad for our country.


  21. In many cases, yes, I think they are worse.  

    Here's what Obama said about Sarah Palin's revelation that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant:  "I think people's families are off limits and people's children are especially off limits."

    I don't support Obama, but I thought that was a very decent thing for him to say.

    Yet, that hasn't stopped many Obamabots on this site from taking cheap pot-shots about Mrs. Palin and her daughter.


  22. President Barack Obama.

    John McCain still picked the wrong running mate and ranting will not make anyone forget about it. As a matter of fact, that's all people are talking about!


  23. You raise an excellent point I would say that Obama is really different than his supporters. He and his campaign have not gotten into the mud like everyone else did.

    Even when he finally did throw some mud at McCain he threw it at him on the issues. I really like the way this guy campaigns, and it's really effective.

  24. Yea i'm getting that image myself.they talk about how he is so Mature.Yet what do they Pull?

  25. great point the sheep are so closed  minded they dont listen to comman sense,some how i see them marching into gas chambers with smiles on their faces ,how do you help them...  

  26. rabid liberal fanaticism is a frightening thing.  they will eat you alive.

    and you are right, they are worse than obama himself.  he knows he is a hypocrite, a ultra liberal, and a racist.  he knows he sat for 20 years in rev wrights church and heard him scream racist anti american views and agreed with him all the way.  the obamites honestly believe he slept for 20 years.  people that d**n stupid are frightening.  people that stupid should not be allowed to vote.  people like that should really be put to sleep for their own, and the greater good.

  27. nice 'christian, i never say anything mean' republican!! '.. give me a break will u.. have u read some of the hateful posts that repubs put up here.. this has 2 sides.. remember that..

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