
In a witchcraft spell it says you need a pentacle. I don't have one ..where can I get one ?

by Guest66871  |  earlier

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So can I just print out a picture of a pentacle, and use that instead?




  1. make a pentical out weaved flowers or creative..and try to stick to nature

  2. If you don't know where to get a pentacle you shouldn't be casting.

    Read more books and do some research.

    Dabbling is bad for you.

  3.     or



  4. Make one. There is no written rule saying you have to purchase a pentacle. A printout will work just fine (depending on what it's for).

  5. Personally, I would create one as you will then have a better connection to it. Either by drawing one on paper, painting one, creating one from stones or sticks, sand or spices, whatever is the closest to your heart. It is also good to remember that the size of the pentacle reccomend will likely vary depending on the purpose you wish to use it for. All said and done, you could in fact print an image of one, or pick one up at your local occult bookshop if you are merely experimenting. I personally prefer to create my own tools, but I do know many who are quite fine with a picture pulled from the web. It really depends on the person.

    Good luck!

  6. You can get them from the flea markets.

  7. First do your the book of solomon and the books of the kabala to attain the understanding of why the pentical is used and why the name is there.

    Second pass through a time of introspection and understanding. What do you want to do and how will it's doing affect yourself and those around you.

    Thirdly look to all the ways the pentical is used and all the different types of works it is used for.

    Then after you're sure you're not going off half ******... Make the pentical. (A five pointed star made with connecting lines.) ...and follow the directions!!! A lot of people get magixs confused with Akia instructions. Need to be a little more serious.

  8. Print out?!  PRINT OUT!!!  OMG...  Put the book down or close the website please for the sake of all that is good and decent in witchcraft!  (and there is plenty)

    One, if you dont know how to draw a pentacle let alone where to find one you probably Shouldnt do what you are about to do.  Two, if you are interested in Witchcraft find some authoritative books on the subject, lord and lady know there are many.  Three, if you print out a pentacle remember that you are infusing that pentacle with everything that the printer has ever printed.  So... unless you want your spell to be full of coupony goodness please dont.  Please for the Love of Goddess Dont!  

  9. I went to a hardware store and bought a ceramic tile. I then painted a pentacle on it. You can take different colors that represent the different elements and decorate it. You don't have to buy all that stuff. Just be creative. Besides, the stuff you make will have your own energy imprint infused into it and will be more potent for you.

  10. First do your the book of solomon and the books of the kabala to attain the understanding of why the pentical is used and why the name is there.

    Second pass through a time of introspection and understanding. What do you want to do and how will it's doing affect yourself and those around you.

    Thirdly look to all the ways the pentical is used and all the different types of works it is used for.

    Then after you're sure you're not going off half cocked... Make the pentical. (A five pointed star made with connecting lines.) ...and follow the directions!!! A lot of people get magixs confused with Akia instructions. Need to be a little more serious.

  11. A Pentacle is merely a 5 pointedor 6 pointed star.  

    Jus draw one on the floor of your living room, using your own blood.  No problemo, Vaca

  12. Unless it specifies a pentacle object, you can probably draw one with in example with sand.

    Don't use blood like Donald S. said, in many practises this is related to dark or occult magick and does mostly no good!

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