
In a work company can they get rid of someone for no reason after 3 years and the emplyee done nothing wrong?

by  |  earlier

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she has been working there about 2 and half years they called in a meeting to get rid of her due to them cant be arsed paying yearly rises can they get rid of her if they offer her another job? they give 6 months notice




  1. If she's in a "work at will" state, then the employer can terminate her for any reason, and she can quit for any reason.

  2. I believe that depends on the law of the state you're in (if you're in the USA).

    Here in Michigan a company can fire you without any reason and similarly you can quit without any reason.  Well, unless you're in a union.

  3. Since you posted in the Immigration section, I'm going to assume she is an illegal alien. In which case yes, they sure can fire and deport her whenever they please. She may not think it fair, but she set herself up in this position by blatantly disregarding US regulations before she even took a foot on our soil.

  4. yes, depending in what state you are in, check worker rights to find out what your state law says. In Virginia it is ritht to work state you can be fired at any time for any reason or for no reason and you can leave at anytime, but it is recommonded to give two week notice for you to have so you don't burn your bridge.

  5. She got 6 months notice?  How incredibly lucky she is!

    Employers are laying off people -- over 380,000 Americans per week are losing their jobs.  At-will employment means they can terminate anyone at any time for any reason -- or no reason at all.  The economy is bad and employers are cutting back.

    Employers are no longer renewing visas for foreign workers, and some are terminating them outright before they expire.  Foreign workers whose visas are not renewed or who are terminated must leave the US immediately.  Since she has 6 months notice, she had better make plans to return home and start packing.  She cannot remain in the US.  From the last day of work, she has ten days to get out of the country.

  6. well yeah

  7. I believe so... If they downsize they can get rid of alot of people...they did that were I work...but they didn't even give them notice.

  8. based upon they way you type I'm sure your are the employee who got axed,i also noticed the  way you are miss-spelling words and misplacing  sentences, that seems to  indicate  that you are an illegal immigrant t**d.most likely you were terminated do to steeling someones identity.

  9. depends on local and state laws where the company operates.

  10. Yes they can.

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