
In aeroplanes we use fuel?y it doesnt give smoke?

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In aeroplanes we use fuel?y it doesnt give smoke?




  1. your information is incorrect. it gives out smoke.

  2. the my use smoke filters or

    they me use Liquig petroliam gas


  3. Simple:

    Yes, it does, but sometimes not visiable.

  4. They do, but modern engines are much better. If you've ever watched something like a Phantom or more recently a Nimrod go to full power you'll realise what smoke is.  This is partly because the military were more concerned with performance rather than fuel economy.

  5. The jet engine is a small part in the core of an enclosed jet engine. A huge amount of air is drawn in and mixed with the exhaust as it is blown out of the back. There are exhaust particles, but due to the efficiency of the jet engine and the dispersal due to thrust they are not that obvious, but they are there.

    The majority of vapour trails in the upper atmosphere are due to condensation as the air is compressed, heated and then cooling as the aircraft passes. Water droplets do form on impurities, but vapour trails are not entirely generated by the jet engine (and they are mostly water from the atmosphere not smoke from the engines).

    A lot of p**p comes out of aircraft engines as anyone who has ever parked near the airport will tell you. It makes a nasty greasy coating on your car after a week or so.

  6. Who says that airplanes do not emit smoke? They produce a lot of it. When a jet plane flies over your house, you could see a white line at its back, which is formed by the smoke emitted by the plan in the still upper atmosphere. If you have seen an air show or watched the independence day parade, you might have seen all the smoke coming out of the planes flying at low altitudes.

  7. The fuel is so precisely metered that there is 100% combustion and no unburnt fuel (as smoke) is emitted from the exhaust.

  8. Old jet engins smoke alot. The new ones are much better... Look up Videos of the Blue Angels when then were using F-4 Phantoms. They leave huge trails of smoke.

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