
In all seriousness, what is the reason we cant win an argument with women?

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In all seriousness, what is the reason we cant win an argument with women?




  1. I thought I am always winning  in argument with men because my voice is shrill and very emotional. They keep silence I thought I won, but on the contrary I am a big loser. I don't argue with men or any one  now I don't want to lose my charm.

  2. Surely your question is dependent upon the argument you are trying to win and the womAn you are arguing with.

    You write 'women' and wonder if you actually mean the plural of 'woman'!

    If you are unable to win 'any' argument with 'any' women, then you are in deep, deep smeg!!

    Sorry, but I'd quite while your still alive, if I were you.


  3. We're constrained to use logic and reason. They are not.

  4. I think you've asked this question before. And I do remember telling you it’s because both parities think they're right. She sees it from her point of view and you see it from yours. Meaning neither one of you are listing to the other if you're arguing. When you argue you shout, yell, and you tune the other one out. On the other hand, when you talk and communicate with one another respectfully, you're listening to the other person, you're taking into consideration their thoughts, feelings and opinions, and you're willing to reach a compromise between the two of you.

    Words of wisdom, if you're in a relationship with a woman that you're constantly arguing with, and then I really think she's not the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

    Edit: It seems to me that "the voice of reality" up there has lost his grasp of reality all together. People of both sexes (hence the word in the saying "people" meaning men and women) have these traits. I've ran into many of men who get loud, boisterous and belligerent when they're wrong or think they're right. People, refuse to be wrong (not just women). The thought of having to swallowing one's pride and admit that their facts where incorrect or the information they've given is a little off from the truth will cause anyone (man or woman) to fear taking a bite of humble pie. I can tell just by your comment that you're one of these people. Not every woman or man is willing to engage in confrontation. So some chose to say nothing at all. Not responding to a loves request for their thoughts on the matter at hand. This can also be misconstrued as an argument or disagreement. Most people don’t realize that it’s not always about who’s right, but who’s willing to listen and compromise. Meeting the other half way with a mutual respect for the one they claim to love.

  5. Because to a woman, if she feels that she is right then that's all that matters to her.

    Not facts

    Not evidence

    Not reason

    Nothing else matters - only her feelings inside her own little world.

    Reminds me of a very good quote form a book.  "People are stupid, they will believe something is true because they fear it to be true or want it to be true."

    Many women also believe that interrupting, talking the loudest, and getting the last word means you win the argument.  Logic and reasoning don't even factor in.

    You can't win an argument with said women for the same reason you can't win against a TV or a CD player.  They just keep on saying their lines over and over again.

  6. we will never admit defeat! and we will not stop arguing until we are right even if were not.

  7. Most women inherently tend to use polemic arguing. It's a style of arguing which deprecates logic and fairness concentrates more on scoring points - by hook or by crook.

    It's very interesting when you analyse it.

  8. You can't win with anyone who has a profound disagreement with you. Perhaps 'winning' is a bad word, it's just disagreement.

  9. Argumentation is all about the style of communication.  If you learn or understand the style of your opponent, you can win most of the arguments.  

    In other words, pay close attention to how they argue with you...learn from them...then use it against them.  

    ...and read The Art of War.

  10. You can, they just won't admit it. :)

    Good, maybe people will see this is a tongue-in-cheek answer.  You never know on here.  

    To be honest and somewhat serious, I really don't know if it's not that either.

    Aurum proved my point for me.

  11. We're stuborn and refuse to admit we are wrong at times. And we tend to believe that we are right and that you have to see that, so we will push it on you and push it on you until you just give in.

  12. You can be right, but she will just keep nagging and yelling until you feel like you've lost.

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