
In all seriousness..........?

by Guest60828  |  earlier

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with a kid with down syndrome how will she juggle the vp spot and still pay the proper attention to her son?

or do they have some maid take care of the baby?




  1. I'm sure she has someone to take care of the kid.  

    But I think it's a STUPID move on McSame's part to pick this woman - I have more experience than she does - SENILITY, the ONLY explanation!

  2. Oh come one, don't be a jerk.

  3. Mother's anymore, have a multitude of help... esp. if she is vice-president of the United States...DUH!

  4. Playin with fire -be careful!

  5. Don't worry,there's someone there to look after the children.. Are you disappointed she didn't abort her child.

  6. She's raised a beautiful family being governor. Women are like that ya know. Wasn't it Hillary who said it takes a village? That baby is in good hands. Looks like he's got some fine big sisters, great dad, great family.

  7. lol what? C'mon man like you care about "the children". How about Obama parading his kids around for the media and DNC?

  8. You Kool Aid drinkers are pathetic, it didn't take you long before you started taking swipes at Palin and her new born baby!

    You are sealing your fate!

  9. They probably have some maid

  10. Ask any mother how they juggle career and family

  11. Do some research and you will learn her husband quit his job to help take care of the baby.

  12. In all seriousness how dare you? She can do it,she has a husband and other children as well.Get out of the fifties buddy.McCain/Palin 08

  13. Ha!  You are exactly who I asked about in a question earlier.  Although no one seemed to understand, perhaps you will...;...

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