
In america,half the women between18-30 have tattoos?why?

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is this true?if it's true,why girls in the us think it's quite a normal thing for a female to get tattooed




  1. Who cares......and how do you know that?!?!?!?!?!?

  2. they think by getting one they stand out, and are

  3. i dont know if its true but we girls think its normal and ok to get it done cuz we see it on the movies in the magazines and our friends who already have a tattoo talk us into it... i personal dont think its wrong but maybe one small one is ok but 2 or 3 big ones now thats trashy and ugly

  4. its trashy

  5. BEEP the person that said its trashy. i have a beautiful tattoo of a rosary and it is classy and symbolizes my religon and my family.

    everyone who has ever seen it said it was classy.

    btw im 19

  6. Hmmm....I didn't know that. Maybe they just think its cool to get a tattoo...

    I'll let u know somethin' though, I won't be one of those women. =)

  7. The other half never smoked hash or marijuana:):)

  8. Many girls and women enjoy the searing pain involved in having an image needled into their flesh.

  9. Actually, I don't think that is true at all. It depends on their personality and if they like tattoos. Or maybe they just got one as a reminder of something. A small one is understandable, but it is rare to see women with large tattoos all over their body, if that is what you mean.

  10. I don't have one!

    But most of my friends do..

    Tattoos look trashy in my opinion.

  11. eew, i think tatoos ruin womens bodies

  12. Maybe to attract a guy. They might think it's cool also.

  13. some tattoos on the girls are hot in some parts like on the pus*sy

  14. Tattoo Life /

  15. Its just how fashion is building. In todays world, you're a minority if you DON'T have a tattoo. I'm 15 years of age, and tattooless, hoping to stay that way.  

  16. I'm pretty sure that's not true, most times you see "shocking" statistics like that, they only were put there to freak people out.

    But for the people that do have tattoos, it's their own preference why. Some art artistic, and love to have art on their skin. Some do it because it's the trend and they think everyone is. Some get tattoos to remember their dead loved ones, others to put a piece of their religion on their bodies.

    Nothing is wrong with it, and there are rarely any health complications. It's not necessarily seen as "normal", but social norms aren't going to stop anyone from getting a tattoo anyway. Also, tattoos aren't just for males, they're thousands of years old and people of many cultures across the world tattooed both men and women.  

    Personally, when I do get my tattoos their going to be pieces of my own art that I've drawn of my own fingers. It's for me, not for anyone else.  

  17. So they don't have to remember their children's names ?

  18. cause they want to be cool

  19. Why shouldnt it be? Men can get tattoos. I dont think sleeve tattoos are nice on women, but ones that can be hid are no big deal, as to why? Different women have different reasons.

  20. It's normal for a female to get a tat these days... HELLO is 2008.

    To the person who commented about the searing pain, you must not have any.

    Tats dont hurt.

    Its a feeling that something you want and that will be with you for life.

    I have two tats. One on my lower back that can not been seen unless i have a swin suit on and the other in just below my pants line in the front.

    I am proud of mine!


  21. they think its s**y i guess haha

  22. it's just a trendy thing to do these days. It's what the cool kids do

    It's not just girls....Everyone's doin it. Come on dude. You gotta get a tat


  24. cause this is s**y...

    and this..

    DUH. Its beautiful adornment.

  25. Tattooing has become a trendy fashion statement

    The market demographics for tattoo services are now skewed heavily toward mainstream customers. Tattooing today is the sixth-fastest-growing retail business in the United States. The single fastest growing demographic group seeking tattoo services is, to the surprise of many, middle-class suburban women.

  26. They have an identity problem.

    They only relate on a physical level.They forget tehy aren't their bodies and are caught up in what's "new"

    My 60 year old sister got a tattoo and some body piercings because her husband liked them, now she is divorced from him and is stuck with the reminders.

  27. i think tattoo look like ur trash and tacky.

  28. well it depends on your definition of 'normal' if 'normal' is doing what the majority is doing then getting a tattoo IS normal because as you stated over half are getting them. (I don't know if it's true or not I've never seen an actual study of it) There are all types of reasons to get a tattoo. My best friend was very close to her Dad, he died of cancer when we were 15 years old. She still has trouble talking about it. When she turned 18 she got a tattoo of a butterfly with the date of her Dads death inside of it as a memorial to him. Some do it because it's 'cool' and others do it to express themselves.

  29. last time i checked it was a free country...and pretty much anyone over 18 can have a tat..soooo I think your statistics dont mean much...I just got one and i am 4ourtyish...

  30. well in America, people are we can do what we want with our bodies and lives. If you dont like it, its your problem not ours.

  31. What's in a norm?  Live and let live!

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