
In an hour, I'm going to the doctor. Do you think I should walk 6 blocks or take the bus?

by  |  earlier

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I'm overweight & need exercise, but the bus ride is quicker & it's free for me.




  1. Take the bus, you don't want to be sweaty by the time you get there.

    The weather has been a little warm lately

  2. Walk. 6 blocks isn't that far. And your doctor will be proud.

  3. Walk dont be so lazy & you need to walk at least 40 minutes a day .

    yes it will hurt but you WILL feel better & live longer

  4. you already answered the question.  you should walk.  if you walk now, you'll feel better about yourself all day.  if you ride the bus, you'll regret not walking all day.

  5. If it is nice out, the walk will be nice for you - and you can always take the bus home. It the weather is too hot or too cold, take the bus because you need to feel comfortable for your doctor appt.

    Good luck - I hope it is a routine appt and there is nothing wrong with you.

  6. If the weather is good, and you are in no hurry, and if there's occasional benches to use, then walk.  I also need the exercise.

  7. Well it depends on the weather too, so if it is nice I would walk, if its cold then take the bus.  Happy days

  8. You could do either, personally I would walk if its nice out but if its to cold then take the bus,  what you could do is ride one way and walk the other.  But its up to you. good luck

  9. every one will tell you to walk but take the bus honey its more relaxing you can whatch the view throw the window and what not and you won't get there sweating

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