
In an interview on t.v. McCain listed Palin's V.P. qualities and the PTA was one of them?

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I'm sorry, but is that not of the most ridiculous reasons to show how someone qualifies to be the VP of the United States?




  1. good try,

    when anyone is picked they will read off the list of accomplishments, important or not.

  2. For crying out loud you are nit picking. Keep the quote in the context it was meant.

  3. HaHa...LOL Get over it.

  4. Well was she president of the PTA? Cause I could see it then.  I think GW Bush could have benefited from some experience like that.

  5. The Republicans have lost their minds and are running for prom king/queen.

  6. Your is foolish to show how she was HEAD of the PTA in the State and worked with the Teachers Union to improve the education system.....who would want someone who REALLY makes change happen rather than TALK about it.....PLEASE She has more leadership and executive experience then the entire Dem ticket....McCain / Palin 08

  7. Don't take it out of context. He was demonstrating that she started her public service in her town, being involved with her childrens school. If you believe that's dumb, what about a resume that starts as a "Community Organizer"? I'm sure you're more intelligent than this, think.

  8. I agree.  It's like when Obama listed being awarded the Ranger merit badge from the Boy Scouts as experience.

  9. My wife ran a PTA for 4 years and let me tell you; if you can run a PTA, you can be VP!!!

  10. Being black is one of the most ridiculous reasons to qualify for President. You know, the person who actually leads the country, not the back-up.

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