
In an ocean, how far away do you have to be to avoid feeling a lightning strike?

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In an ocean, how far away do you have to be to avoid feeling a lightning strike?




  1. when the electrical charge enters water, it quickly "loses its punch" since water is a poor conductor of electricity. However, for the brief period that it is active, living creatures in or on the water can be stunned or killed. Remember that the discharge of lightning can take place just about anywhere as the electrical charge of a storm increases.

    thank you Curiosity for correcting me on my answer. i really don't need to read up on it, i just misinterpreted the question.

  2. When you hear the thunder, your ears are feeling the effects of the lightning.  Lighting can be heard as far as 20 km, sometimes more.

    If you mean just the direct electrical effects, that can be felt even further.  Radios can pick up the static from lightning on the other side of the world.  You could probably *notice* (not just feel) the electric field for many 100's of meters.

  3. Salt water is a very good conductor of electricity and lightning.  So the lightning would complete the circuit by traveling through the salt water and not your body. That means that the lightning strike would discharge immediately. Unless the strike actually hits you, you are not in the circuit.  If you are not in the circuit you would feel nothing from a strike into the ocean - no matter how close.


    It is true that pure water is a poor conductor of electricity.  However, you are asking about the ocean.  The salt in the ocean water makes it a good conductor of electricity.

    Copy and Paste:

    "Pure water cannot conduct electricity. However, the presence of the smallest amount of salt in water enables water to become an electrical conductor."

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