
In ancient time, what did near sighted people do to be able to see?

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In ancient time, what did near sighted people do to be able to see?




  1. They did not see well. The nearsighted probably were killed early on in their lives either in fights or by predatory animals.

  2. squint.

  3. lenses were known even in the Roman Empire- Nero used a monocle made from precious stones. It did not make his eyesight perfect, but was good enough for daily work.

    The poor went blind. Same as happens today in some third world countries.

  4. be close to objects

  5. they actively focused on their good senses, a technique which often goes some way to making up for the inability to see, even today. heightened perceptions of touch, smell and especially hearing give a blind person a suprisingly detailed picture of their environment.

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