
In any area of your life if you could turn back the hands of time to alter/ change anything what would it be?

by  |  earlier

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(I talk in regards to life matters, experiences, decisions or/and paths you took or made)....




  1. i would never have bought the house in spain and trusted the spanish lawyer who has now left me with no home and no money and seemingly no way of recuperation.

    I also would have recorded a letter i sent that got lost and caused a heck of a problem

    but i dont regret having my kids and grandkids and living with the same man for 30 years.  I do regret making an idol of a man that didnt really know i existed.

    I am a pensioner so a lot of water has gone under my bridge and thats not toooo many regrets. is it. or are they mistakes and can they be put right and will i get justice and maybe find a home that is for me and hubby ...  council will only let me have a one bed flat in sheltered accomodation and i am not ready for that even that wont be for 3 or 4 years ... so we are paying stupidly for private rented accom that the landlord insists on keeping on a 6 month rolling tenancy.... All I want is a two bed house with a garden so I can spend time in the garden growing things etc and my husband can relax in it after work with a whisky... what a mess .... I wake each day thinking !?!?!?!??********* then remember there are people worse off and pray that i can reflect on the wonderful times and that will be sufficient ............phhhhhheffffffffffffffffffff

  2. I would change what ever that part of me directs me to constantly seek solitude, to stay away from others especially family.

    I would want to be gragarious in nature etc..

  3. In every aspect in business, should have taken a lot more risk.  The conservative, safe approach at work has guaranteed a life of utter mediocrity.

    PS - Worst such mistake: In 1985 when CDs were only used for music (classical music, at that) I thought it would be a great idea to use it in computers to store data.  We used to literally use 20+ diskettes to ship programs such as Wordperfect.  Never pursued it, and lo and behold, several years later, you had the "CD ROM" that replaced diskettes in the distribution of software.

  4. i dont know

  5. Very likely not much would change, but my notion has always been, in a general sense, "Take slower, shorter steps"

    Just my 2 "scents"

  6. I injured my ankle on a factory job 20 years ago. Several doctors did not find the fracture for a year, then I had surgery, but there was irreparable damage. It has affected every aspect of my life since. I should have gone to doctor after doctor, even go to the emergency room, until they found something. The workman's comp company was pretty mad I went to a fourth doctor, called it "doctor shopping," but they couldn't argue against the MRI. There are times, when a person feels something is wrong, they have to persist until they change it.

  7. I wouldnt have started smoking, its soo hard to quit :-(

  8. I will pursue my childhood dream of becoming a lawyer instead of being an engineer now.

    I still dream of how would I look like in front of the jury, how  I would present my arguments etc. I should have listened to myself instead to friends influence.

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