
In arushi murder case, do you believe in what media and police are saying?

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i dont think a father can kill her daughter.




  1. plenty of fathers have killed their daughters... people kill people ALL the time. They dont care if there blood or not.

  2. I agree to Swordsharp....

    the most disgusting theory that police gave is: Arushi having a relationship with Hemraj....that too without any evidence

    Seriously the police have to be severely punished for maligning Arushi's name

  3. father was caught red handed talking to the lawyer on the phone and police was taping that and i guess he admitted there that he had done both murders now its very obvious that he would hire a good lawyer and just get himself bailed out or put himself in position where he wont be setenced for life or death its obvious and i recently watched mothers interview - she did it with such a straight face and she is hiding her face she is not making any eye contact during confessing <<<O_o  and same goes with anita durrani and her husband heya re all shaking there heads that they dont "anything" HELLOOOOOOO 2 murders happend burtually killed and a loving only child killed and "nothing" ?? O_o and its kinda hard to digest that nobody knows anything at all !! there are no suspicion nothing!! and mother is not even shading any tears i mean mothers and women in particular are emotional arushi was there only child and she is carrying her "straight face" definitely there something she knows and hiding and i hope the real culprit should be brought out infront of ppl.

  4. i believe that arushi was murdered by her father. I believe the reports said by media & police are true.

  5. Yes i belive in what  media is saying is 80 percent correct. It has been well established that 90 percent of the child abuse case there is a involvement of someone very close to the family and child.

    Though Dr. Talwar tried to confuse the police and media by saying he was having some extra marital affairs but his motive was to hide the truth and protect the honour of his daughter.

    I think Arushi may have been slowly and gradually exploited by her old servent and then her new servent after which she may have got used to it.

    There has been many incidences where people having a very good beg-ground, education career and knowledge indulging in such things while there is always a high probability that people with shabby begground may commit such crimes.

    All the parents should learn a lesson from the whole incidence and try to become more responsible parents by protecting there children against any such thing.

    We should communicate with the kids of all age about good and bad things about the issues of child abuse and how it happens so they don't hesitate to report these incidences to there parents.

    Whenever anyone will encounter this kind of situation he can get a hard bad fit of rage and in his fit of rage.

  6. I dont believe in it, not for a single moment. The police (if thats what you want to call a bunch of dumb cows) are under pressure to come out with the facts, due to which it appears like they are just shooting in the dark. IF the father comitted the murder, where is the murder weapon?, what about the blood on the stairs? or the cloth used to wipe out the blood from the surface, why would the father attempt to wipe out the evidence of the murder of one (daughter) and yet leave glaring evidence on the other (hemraj)murder? how come the door was locked on the outside, why is the mother supporting him, especially if he seems to be having some kind of extramartial affair?, why did he not dispose off the bodies and the evidence before discovery considering that he had atleast 4 hours to do so?, why did they let the maid come in when there was a body in their house?

    what was the need to have one body in the house and one body on the terrace?

    they are so many loopholes to this stupid police theory that it just doesnt follow a logical sequence, and is full of bias or personal perception.   atleast i dont believe a word of it.

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