
In astrology, what is the 'cusp'?

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I understand that the cusp happens when the signs of the zodiac meet, but I don't know anything other than that. How long is this 'cusp' period and what does it really mean. For example let's say that my birthday is November 20th which is in Scorpio but on the cusp of Sagittarius (right?) - what does that mean??? Help!




  1. Okay

    Each sign contains 29.59 degrees ..

    if you were born on the cusp it means that your Sun COULD BE at 29.00 to 29.59 degrees or 0 Sag .. all depends on what time you were born... Run your chart on it will give you a better picture on where exactly your sun resides.

    what does this mean?

    2 things.

    a. You have your sun is in scorpio .. you have Scorpio sun but you have tint of a Saggitarius in you.. so if you read regular scorpio stuff .. you might think ohh wait this is not me.. you carry both traits.

    B. you need to consider also decane *or however it is spelled*.. basically you divide 30 into 3 parts

    1st 1 degree to 9 degrees it is scorpio

    2nd 10 to 19 - pisces

    3rd 19 to 29.59 - cancer.. so Moon will be your coruler IF YOU ARE SCORPIO

    if you are Sag sun... then you are 0 Sag

    1st decanade of Sag - which is Saggitarius .. the strongest decanade for Sags.. Jupiter will be your ruler of your chart with whichever planet rules your asce *your rising sign the time you were born*

    You could very well be 0 SAG.. you must run your chart.. if you want me to look, im me akiross2006.. i can figure out what is going on your chart!

    I hope this helps..

  2. The cusp usually corresponds to the last 2 or 3 days of one sign to the first 2 or 3 days of the other.  If you are on the cusp of scorpio and sagittarius then you will have a mix of aspects from each sign.

    A lot of people don't believe in cusps.  The date and time you were born should be dead on accurate.

  3. it means that the person is a scorpio but they have heavy saggitarius influences and so they will behave very much like a saggitarius as well as a scorpio :)

    unually the cusp is on or 2 days within the meet point. Generally if you re born closer to the begining of your sign you are closer to acting like the sign before you, and if your born near the end of your sign the sign after your sign will be more prominant in affecting your chart. Hope that helped!

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