
In australia how many days off sick can you have before you need a doctors certificate?

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  1. G'day

    It can depend on the employer.  I work for the government and if we have 3 days or more on sick leave, we're required to bring in a medical certificate.  I'm not sure if this is the same for private industry.

    If you have an "attendance issue", some employers can ask for a medical certificate for any sick leave - even if it's only one day or part of a day.  This is out of the ordinary but as a previous manager I've had to do this on occasion due to excessive sick leave.  These people were just having "sickies" and were spotted shopping/out on the grog until all hours etc.  I got Human Resources (HR) involved to put it in writing to the person, so they're aware of their obligations.

    There is more info on the link to the website below, but it may be difficult to find the exact info you're after: (Industrial Relations website)

    Hope this helps.


  2. Ask your employer.  

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