
In aviation terms, when you are in the traffic pattern and tower says "Report a 2mile right base", it means...

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Sorry for the short question. I'm wondering what it means when your in the traffic patturn at an airport, and the control tower says report a 2 mile right base. What does this mean? Does it mean your base leg of the pattern must be 2 miles long, or two miles from the runway, or something else? Please Help Thanks!




  1. I would interpret this as ATC wanting you to report 2 miles from the airport established on a right base leg.  That sort of request is non-standard though...I've never heard a controller ask for that type of report without being more specific.  Like others have said, if you're confused in the air on the exact meaning of a controller request...ask them.  A controller will ALWAYS be happier to rephrase or explain their request rather than have you not do what they asked you to do.

  2. I'm a pilot, and if I weren't already in the pattern, I would interpret it to mean that I should fly a base that is at least two miles long (but the normal distance from the threshold) and report when I am 2 miles from the threshold on that base leg.

    If I were already in the pattern, I would interpret it to mean that I should turn base 2 miles past the threshold and report turning base.

    However, I don't think this is standard phraseology and I've never been asked to "report a 2 mile base" as far as I can remember. If you're actually flying and ever hear a controller instruction that you are not 100% sure you understand, always ask for clarification.

  3. I hear this all the time at the airport I fly into... never from within the pattern but coming into a controlled field from outside the pattern I hear it at several airports all the time.

    I had a similar question as you... does it mean you are two miles from the centerline so your base leg is 2 miles long or is it two miles from the field, with the length of the base leg not specified.

    I asked my local controler on the freq one night and said that it means, enter a right base leg and call about 2 miles from the end of the runway.  So, the length of the base leg was not specifified, but once you turn final you should be about 2 miles out.

    I hope this helps answer your question.

  4. 2 miles from the airport or VOR, this is just for the ATC to know yourpresent position and clear you to final and landing

  5. I would interpret it as meaning that my base leg should be 2 miles from the runway threshold if I'm already in the pattern.  I would expect the tower controller to also say "extend downwind" too because that's an abnormally far base.

    Usually they don't ask you to report a base if you're already flying in the pattern though.  I always hear something like that when entering the pattern if the airport doesn't have an approach frequency.

    Just remember that if all else fails that controllers are human too, and if you need something clarified that they can speak plain English too.  They'll definitely clarify something in the name of safety.

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