
In baseball money line bets cost how much money?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I plan to place a money line bet on the college baseball matches, but have no idea, that how much money is involved in money line bets. Can you help me in this regard.




  1. Money lines are based on $100 bets.

    For example:

    NY Yankees (-155) = Favorite
    Toronto Blue Jays (+135) = Underdog

    In games where there’s no clear favorite, the money line may look like this:

    Atlanta Braves (-115) = Favorite
    Arizona Diamondbacks (-105) = Underdog

    In the first example, the NY Yankees at -155 would require a $155 bet to win $100 profit ($255 total return). For the Toronto Blue Jays, a $100 bet would give you a $135 profit ($235 total return).

    In the second example, it would require a $115 bet on the Atlanta Braves to get a $100 profit ($215 total return). For the Arizona Diamondbacks, you would need to wager $105 for a $100 profit ($205 total return).

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Latest activity: 11 years, 1 month(s) ago.
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