
In basketball, is it possible to get a five-point play (or more)?

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Say Player A is having a great shooting night. Player B, who is on the opposing team, has a short temper and has started to get really frustrated.

Player A attempts a three-pointer. Player B is so frustrated (and it's obvious to the crowd and refs that he is) that, while the ball is in flight, he intentionally pushes Player A to the ground. The ball falls through for three points and Player B is whistled for a personal foul and a flagrant foul. And he is ejected.

Does Player A get just one free throw (potential 4-point play)? Or does he get two for the flagrant foul (potential 5-point play)? Or does he get all three for the personal and flagrant fouls (potential 6-point play)?

Or would the latter two situations (assuming either of them are the case) be considered as "4-point plays plus extra free throws" instead of "5-point plays" and "6-point plays"?

And what would be the rule regarding possession of the ball?

What would happen if a situation like this occurred? NBA and NCAA are preferred. Thanks.




  1. well if the three goes in and its a flagrant foul, you make the free throw and then score on the possesion, its a 6 point play

  2. No 4 point play is most

  3. Of course anything can happen and we can't exactly predict how many points can be gotten by a player in just one play.

    But I think the maximum points a player can earn by a single play is 6 points. Assume Player X is attempting a three pointer and Player Y from the opposite team does a technical foul on him, even not a disqualifying foul. The shot goes in and the referee distinguishes that foul as a 3-free-throw one. If Player X makes all 3 free throws, so he'll have done a 6-point play.

    However that has been my question, too, for a long time that how many points a player can get with one play. But anyway that was the most happenable answer I've found out for that so far!

  4. I dont know what it would be called, but it can go up to a 6-point play... One player attempts a 3 and gets fouled...shot goes in...then he misses the free throw, teammate gets rebound kicks it out to same player who just shot and he makes another play... thats all in the context of the same play so it should be labeled a 6 point play

  5. i think the player would get 3 for the shot 1 free throw for the foul and he or a teammate would get 1 free throw for the flagrant foul not 100% sure but yeah it could be a 5 point play plus the team that shot free throws could get the ball back

  6. I think it would be called as:

    Shoot the three, score three points

    Two Flagrant Free Throws

    Then you take possession of the ball.

    It is highly doubtful that this happens, becasue the the severity of a flagrant foul..yea, most ppl dont make the shot. lol  Especially since its rule a Flagrant 2(when a guy gets ejected for the foul.

    As for 5-point play, kinda.  But I personally never pencil in technical free throws as a part of a play.  Its all opinionated.

  7. The 3 counts, then Player A gets 2 free throws - then his team gets to inbound the ball again..

    Assuming another 4 players does it to Player A again and again, Player A gets to have a 25 point play (assuming he makes all of those shots), while the other team is disqualified because they have less than 8 players left. LOL!

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