
In blood tests, what's the code for potassium?

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Is it true that the result for potassium in blood tests is listed under the letter 'K'?

What is the code 'CK' referring to?

This is because I always feel very tired and I've been told that it might be a potassium deficiency.

Is it possible to get potassium supplements over the counter without prescription?

I thank you for any extra information you might want to give me.




  1. I work for an Endo. potassium results can be found in blood test. Usually it under a Comperhensive Metabolic or Basic Metabolic panel.. and it just say potassium and gives a number saying it is or isnt out of range.

    You can get Potassium supl. over the counter. where Vitamins are at. But you should have the blood test first because to much potassium can be just as harmful as not enough potassium.  

  2. K   and CK is creatine kinase

    Here is a better description for you to read:

  3. K is the potassium. CK is creatine kinase a blood tests marker of myocardial infarction (heart attack). You shoudl not take vitamin K without the advise of aof a doctor.  

  4. there is a drink called Vitamin Water "Revive" that has the daily recommended dosage of potassium in it  :]

    i drink that sometimes because i need the vitamin C.

    so if you cant get pills then try drinking this!

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