
In both cases,we kill cells when we eat egg or curd ?

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In both cases,we kill cells when we eat egg or curd ?




  1. You're not killing anything when you eat an egg...Your just causing suffering by supporting the egg industry.  The chickens are the ones who suffer, not the unfertilized eggs.

    When it comes to milk, people who drink it are supporting the veal industry and they are supporting the beef industry.  Dairy cows are subjected to terrible treatment and living conditions.  They are also "knocked-up" with a new calf every year to keep the milk flowing.  These calves are use primarily for veal if they are born male.  The females are just new milk cows.

    The pump the cows full of hormones and antibiotics.  The cows have to produce and carry around twice as much milk as they would naturally.

    Milk has blood and pus in it too...mmm...That's not a story either.  It's true.  Google "milk pus" and you will see everything that comes up.

  2. you kill cells when you eat anything

  3. No. Since they're already dead by the time we get them, there's nothing we can do.

    Besides, not all eggs are going to hatch. Chickens can lay eggs withOUT mating. And those eggs are unfertilized and thus not mini embroyos.

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