
In both of my houses I have two light switches at my sink, one that works and one that doesn't.?

by  |  earlier

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In house #1:

Switch 1 controls a light over the sink

Switch 2 does not work (No outlet under the sink either and no garbage disposal)

In house #2

Switch 1 controls the outlet under the sink for Garbage disposal

Switch 2 controls nothing

Does anyone know what that second switch is there for?




  1. I concur with Reed.

  2. Sometimes the 2nd switch is for the dishwasher.

  3. Double switch sets are pretty standard installations.  It's easier to hook up the unused switch should you add something later than to replace a single switchplate with a double.


  5. Wow, hard question and unfortunately it is one of those questions where you would have to be there.

    According to code if there was an extra future outlet, it has to be stubbed in an outlet with a blank cover.

  6. if you have 2 houses your rich enough to hire an electrician

  7. One is for a light one is for Garbage Disposal  weather you have both or not they always give you two switches so you can add later.

  8. Try going to House #2 and having an assistant in House #1 flip Switch2 and see if it controls something in House #2.

    But seriously, this kind of thing happens a lot when do-it-yourselfers partially finish a job.   If they were removing something, that switch should have been removed along with it.   Of if they were installing something, or planning to, they might've put in the switch and never installed whatever it was the switch was going to control.  

    If there are wires attached to the switch, try to see where they go.  If they go up towards the attic (if you have one), then you might try looking up there and see if it goes anywhere from there, or if it's been stubbed off (for example, if a light was to be installed later)

  9. Bosco is so right and very wise. That will be 100 dollars please!

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