
In bulleted lists, which is more effective: Characteristics (adjectives) or Attributes (nouns)?

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Here is a general example, just to illustrate the difference:

· Reliable

· Efficient

· Versatile


· Reliability

· Efficiency

· Versatility

Which form, in marketing and advertising, would be considered to be more effective to promote a product?




  1. Usually characteristics or adjectives. Most people respond to short, sweet, easy to understand adjectives that make their life sound





    It depends on the product, but most ads should be written so a 7th grader could understand it. Selling a more expensive item or to a tech audience, the nouns would probably be more effective.

  2. I just think it all depends on the context in which you are delivering a message. However, if you're looking at doing an ad in a magazine, newspaper, etc., I don't know if bulleting your text is the best option. For a presentation, yes. For an advertisement, no.

    The all-new Honda Accord Coupe comes in one nice, sleek package. All that you want and more!

    - Reliable

    - Efficient

    - Versatile


    The all-new Honda Accord represents you and everything you stand for.

    - Reliability

    - Efficiency

    - Versatility

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