
In business, what does 'corporate' mean?

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and can you name any examples




  1. In business, corporate means a business entity that operates as a corporation. A good example is a partnership firm,like a law firm that operates and has an organisational structure.

  2. Means a BIG company with lots of influence/lobbying to government for its own selfish end .

  3. It means a company which has a seperate legal entity from its owners (shareholders) and its managers.

    Eg. Shell, BP, McDonalds.... lots of huge companies that operate as a seperate legal entity to its owners.

    Also, corporations can get away with externalities and externalising their costs to their stakeholders because they are known as distinct to their managers and owners, almost like a person in itself. The corporation can be taken to court just like any other person and get sued for unethical or illegal practices.

    For more insight read the book 'the corporation' by Joel Bakan... it shows the nasty and pathological side of these large corporations (pollution, animal testing, making people fat!)... or watch the documentary film, also called the corporation.

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