
In california, if a tenant is in default of the lease, how long do i need to give them to pack up and get out?

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In california, if a tenant is in default of the lease, how long do i need to give them to pack up and get out?




  1. 3 days, then you file for an eviction.

    However, the landlord can terminate the tenancy by giving the tenant only three days' advance written notice if the tenant has done any of the following:

    Failed to pay the rent.

    Violated any provision of the lease or rental agreement.

    Materially damaged the rental property ("committed waste").

    Substantially interfered with other tenants ("committed a nuisance").

    Used the rental property for an unlawful purpose.

  2. It takes a couple of months to evict someone.  Sometimes as long as 6 months.  

  3. You need to get an order of eviction.

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