
In canada do i get charged for picking up a book at the post office and if so how much?

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In canada do i get charged for picking up a book at the post office and if so how much?




  1. No first Canada Post trys your house if your not home they leave a card. Take the card to the post office with   ID   Thats it

  2. Depends on how it was shipped.

    POSTAGE PAID - you don't pay and if you owe money they'll tell you how much. Depending on the point of origin, there may be taxes &/or duties due in addition to postage.

  3. there may be duty to be paid and there may not, you will not know til you go to pick it up

    or phone the post office and enquire

  4. For details regarding communications and posting/mailing in Canada, check out this site I've found with (some) useful information.

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